Sunday, December 19, 2010


300 yards up canyon from The Hatchery Boulder (click here to download NC3's online guide) is the Blok Boulder.  Park in gigantic pull out on left and walk across road. "Rediscovered" by Brian Camp a few months back, this road side boulder had been climbed on and forgotten.  From existing chalk and advice from Poudre pioneer Ben Scott, it appeared Blok One_V6/7 had been climbed starting a few moves in from the start undercling listed below.  Thanks to a small motivated crew the Blok Boulder has become a popular stop on the way up the canyon... Enjoy! (click image to enlarge)
A. and B. both sit start matched on left leaning undercling in the middle of the boulder (just above Remy's head)  C. sit starts on matched far right rounded jug.
A. Blok Two_V10** Crimps and Underclings with a technical finish to Jug Rail out right.  F.A. Jeff Silcox - Multiple top out variations have been done - the original is listed.
B. Blok One_V6/7** Power start to fun moves.  (sit) F.A. Brian Camp
(start 3 moves in_V4) F.A. Jay Shambo
C. Blok of Aragon_V11** Start on far right side of boulder and finish left with mantel. 17 moves of pure dirt-burglar brilliance... F.A. Paul Dusatko

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